Unlock millions in CPRG Funding

Partner with the only technology platform trusted by government entities to maximize funding from the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

Prepare for Phase 2 of CPRG 

You successfully secured phase 1 of the CPRG planning grants – congratulations! Now, it’s time to prepare for phase 2 - $4.6B in competitive implementation grants, which are contingent on your data-driven plans to effectively reduce emissions. 

Automate & baseline your state’s / MSA's emissions & establish your true carbon footprint with nZero’s 24/7 data 

Build a PCAP and CCAP based on accurate quantification of energy consumption and emissions 



Compete for Implementation Phase Grants with the best data, best reasoning, and best intervention recommendations and strategies 

The world's most advanced sustainability platform


© 2023 nZero™

*Terms and conditions apply

Trusted by:

nZero is playing an important role in the Green Proving Ground program, as the Federal Government drives further innovation and clean energy initiatives across the country. In furtherance of the Federal Government's mandate to track these emissions,

nZero is helping to enable accurate and efficient carbon accounting as we push toward our ongoing goal of net-zero federal buildings"


-GSA Administrator, Robin Carnahan

Maximize your funding with nZero

nZero is your all-in-one solution for creating impactful and cost-effective climate action plans. Partner with our globally recognized experts in sustainability, energy and government to maximize your grant potential and make a significant impact on your community.

Steps to unlocking millions with CPRGs:


CPRG funding can be used to pay for purchasing or licensing of software and contractual costs to develop climate action plans; nZero’s costs could be free

Did you know?

nZero can work with any  local sustainability consultants to bolster results.

Talk to a climate policy expert

nZero, the only all-in-one sustainability platform with real-time emission tracking and insights. Our advanced model delivers accurate, audit-ready data for effective energy management, decarbonization, and compliance. By automating data collection and sustainability recommendations, we enable organizations to focus on what matters: reducing emissions, saving money, and protecting the planet.